
The Light Bringer To The World

The Light Bringer To The World

companion rates London uk toronto canada international

How much do the rates of this Independent holistic companion, massage practitioner, coach for men, and healer by intimacy in London UK – Toronto – International come to?

The rates are for the time and value that she adds to the lives of older professional men. You can fill the time with her with any activities described on this page or suggest others. Since the value of time will only rise, rises in its price reflect this reality. Kay-Lauren certainly does not advocate that any woman’s time is worth thousands per hour. But everyone puts different value on time. KL makes her time affordable and more valuable to men than any woman who sells prostitution. And KL’s company on a holiday won’t cost more because time has the same value on a holiday as on a standard day.

Rates are certainly not negotiable and KL will accept them upfront without exceptions in cash or by PayPal in any of the four currencies anywhere in the world. The exchange rates therefore vary daily. Our time together will begin in the place which we agree. Time beyond the agreed time will cost pro rata per minute. Holistic = considering the whole person = relationship instead of transaction. Relationships start with conversations. The foundation of real intimacy begins on the first date. Intimacy = connection. Hence the first date will be in a public place.

The shortest rendezvous of 2 hours is…

400GBP   490EUR   725CAD   515USD

...and one can meet KL for as long as he wants. Her time will be charged pro rata. 

Here’s why KL charges what she charges

Cancellations and cancellation rates

50% of the rates for the scheduled engagement plus round-trip travel rates where applicable. This represents a compensation for loss of Kay-Lauren’s time devoted to our engagement and also loss of other opportunities.

Travel arrangements

If you want this international companion to travel to you, refer to the where & when page. How much notice to give for meeting her is also on the where & when page.